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Infection Prevention & Management 01 Apr 2020

Boost Your Immunity with The Foods You Eat

Eating right is an easy way to help improve your immunity and protect your health

“You are what you eat!”
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”
“Eat the rainbow!”

These are all phrases you have probably heard before, but not taken too much notice of. But did you know there is actually a lot of truth in these sayings, particularly when it comes to looking after your body’s natural defense to illness – your immune system.

Eating the right types of food that containing key nutrients, can help build your immunity and fight off some illnesses. We all know the importance of eating a healthy, balanced diet and reducing our intake of ‘bad foods’ for overall health. But increasing the amounts of certain vitamins and minerals we consume can have a positive impact on your immune system. Just as importantly, eating the wrong things can weaken the immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to attack from microscopic invaders.

Here, we explore what some of these immune boosting nutrients are, where you can find them and how they can help keep you fighting fit.

Vitamins B6, C and E are all known to boost immunity and help your body fight off infection. Vitamin C is one of the biggest immune boosters out there and consuming a daily dose is essential as your body can’t produce it or store it. Fruit and vegetables with the highest vitamin C source include:

  • Citrus fruits: Lemons, oranges and grapefruit
  • Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and cranberries
  • Pineapple, papaya, mangos and kiwi fruit
  • Red and green peppers, and green vegetables like kale, spinach and broccoli

Vitamin B6, found in bananas, green vegetables and chickpeas, is another key vitamin as it supports biochemicareactions in the immune system. Vitamin E is known to be a powerful antioxidant and supports your body when fighting an infection. It can be found in nuts, seeds and spinach.

Omega-3fatty acids found in fish like salmon, herring anchovies and sardines, have very potent anti-inflammatory properties and can help to fight off chronic disease.

Antioxidants are another natural way to fight infection. By protecting cells and boosting the production of infection-fighting antibodies, they help keep you fit and healthy. Antioxidants are found in almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts and sunflower seeds, as well as onions, garlic, eggplant, red grapes and berries.

Iron is another super nutrient, it helps your blood circulate oxygen and carry protective antibodies around the body. Lean red meat, chicken liver, eggs, beans, seafood and green vegetables are excellent sources.

Naturalprebiotics’ found in foods such as garlic, onion, asparagus, artichokes and bananas “feed” the friendly bacteria in the gut and help support digestive health and immunity.

What to shop?

When it comes to buying food to improve your health, it’s a case of the more color the better. When choosing fruit and vegetables, try and pick something of every colour if possible. Not only will your meals look more exciting, you will be getting the widest range of healthy vitamins and nutrients possible. This rule should be applied to every meal throughout the day. Complement your multi-colored plate with foods that are largely plant-based, rich in whole grains and nuts, and you will be giving your body the best possible germ-fighting protection.

Can supplements help?

Supplements can provide you with key nutrients, but you should aim to get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs from your diet. This is simply because you absorb and use nutrients far more efficiently when you eat them.

Food to avoid

As with any healthy diet, there are foods you should avoid as they can have a negative impact on your immunity. As a general rule, avoid any processed foods and aim to eat ‘real’, whole foods whenever possible. Red meat consumption should be reduced as it can increase your risk of inflammation and has also been proven to increase your risk of some cancers.

High levels of sugar can suppress the immune system by directly affecting the cells in your body that fight bacteria. Salt and fried foods should also be avoided as they have both been shown to cause inflammation in the gut and affect your body’s immune response.

Your immune system is your top line of defence when it comes to fighting illness, so do what you can to protect yourself. As well as eating a colorful, fresh diet, make sure you get plenty of sleep, exercise regularly and keep hydrated to make sure you give your body the best chance of fighting off any infection that comes your way.

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