DOH Screening

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Comprehensive Screening Program – Young Adults Package

Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi is pleased to invite you to participate in the Department of Health - Abu Dhabi’s Comprehensive Screening Program.

The initiative, in collaboration with the Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre, aims to detect and screen for chronic diseases that are affecting the health of our Emirate. This includes conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

The Comprehensive Screening Program is available to UAE Nationals over the age of 18, who have Thiqa insurance.

There are two screening programs currently available at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi:

  • Young Adults Health Screening Program: This is available to UAE Nationals aged 18 - 39.
  • Lung Cancer Screening Program: This is available to UAE Nationals aged 55 - 75, who currently smoke, or who have smoked heavily in the last 15 years (please see the form below for more details).
If you would like to participate in the Young Adults Health Screening Program, please complete the short questionnaire below:

Comprehensive Screening Program – Lung Cancer Screening Program

Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi is pleased to invite you to participate in the Department of Health - Abu Dhabi’s Comprehensive Screening Program.

The initiative, in collaboration with the Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre, aims to detect and screen for chronic diseases that are affecting the health of our Emirate. This includes conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

The Comprehensive Screening Program is available to UAE Nationals over the age of 18, who have Thiqa insurance.

There are two screening programs currently available at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi:

  • Young Adults Health Screening Program: This is available to UAE Nationals aged 18 - 39.
  • Lung Cancer Screening Program: This is available to UAE Nationals aged 55 - 75, who currently smoke, or who have smoked heavily in the last 15 years (please see the form below for more details).
If you would like to participate in the Lung Cancer Screening Program, please complete the short questionnaire below:
Eligibility Criteria

You are eligible for this screening program. Please fill out the following short questions to complete your application.

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You are eligible for this screening program. Please fill out the following short questions to complete your application.

Sorry, this screening program is currently only applicable to high-risk smokers. For all other appointments, you can book via the Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi app or call 80082223.